What we’re doing at the library to help stop the spread of germs:
- All materials received in book drops will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes.
- Hand sanitizer is located at desk and hands are washed consistently.
- Throughout the day, staff members will wipe down hard surfaces including: desk, public computer areas, copy machine, coffee bar, handrails, door handles, water fountain.
- Disinfect play areas regularly, washing hard-surfaced toys. Soft toys have been removed temporarily.
What we can all do:
- Cover sneezes and coughs with corner of elbow tissue and immediately disposing of tissue after use.
- Return materials in book drops.
- Stay home if ill avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Wash your hands regularly, for at least 20 seconds, especially after using public equipment, such as keyboards, mice, phones, copy machine, and after using restroom, and follow other everyday preventative practices, issued by the CDC.