
Donating to the
Marion Public Library 

The Marion Public Library welcomes monetary donations throughout the year. Donations by check can be made out to the Marion Public Library and mailed to:

Marion Public Library


Marion, NY 14505 

Your donation can also be designated for a memorial or honorary donation. If you are selecting the Marion Library as the recipient for donations in memory or honor of someone, please contact the library manager.

We will acknowledge each donation in honor or memory with a thank you to the donor and also provide a list of those donating to the family contact.

The Library is also very grateful to Marion Community members and library supporters that have named the Marion Public Library in their will or estate planning. These bequests ensure the Marion Public Library will be available for future generations.

Support the Friends of the Library

As a member of our Friends group your donation helps the library continue in its mission to serve the community of Marion.

Please make checks payable to: Friends of the Marion Library

Marion Public Library

ATTN: Friends Group


Marion, NY 14505